Meta (Facebook): Superbowl Social Campaign

Across a mix of static, animated and video assets, we aimed to tackle the misconception among mainstream gamers that there’s not enough content on Quest by showcasing the breadth of content and games that people can experience together with friends and +10M other users.

We started with social connection as our North star, but there were many key features and benefits that we also need to convey. We came up with eight key messaging approaches: Hardware all-in-one, Hardware wireless, Multiplayer experiences, Card and board games, Entertainment, Hangout, Fitness intentional and Fitness incidental. The messaging needed to be straightforward and prioritize clarity over cleverness at this point in the funnel.

As lead designer I brainstormed concepts and created both static banners and storyboards for video social ads with our Creative Directors, Producer and Copy Writer. We had only three weeks to concept and finalize designs for eight different ads.

“Shout out to Kate for being instrumental in creating and fleshing out the design aesthetic for this [project]. She was faced with an ever-growing list of requests, shifts and assets, and took it all in stride while delivering high-caliber creative. Thanks for the push and for getting us to a good place. ” — George Schlesinger, Associate Creative Director, Growth, Meta