Google: Demo Signage Redesign

While many shoppers were visiting Google fixtures and looking at screens, only 20-30% were successfully interacting with our demos. Once a shopper has engaged with a demo they are far more likely to purchase, so I was asked to design a solution to draw attention and educate consumers on how to interact with the onscreen demos. The goal was to increase engagement by 20%, but during testing engagement rose by 46%.

I collaborated with the Retail Merchandising, Demo, Research and Product Marketing teams to develop a system of signage that would work together to increase demo engagement, or work separately for fixtures and markets that lacked space or budget for the full system.

First, we designed large placemats that could be fitted around the base of products or placed in front of demo screens, balancing premium materials with budget-friendly installation. We used colors, icons and typography that would be consistent with the redesigned system of icon signage and what would be present on the onscreen demos. We used green to draw extra attention to the new demo for Nest Hub (2nd generation), as consumers would actually be able to speak to the Google Assistant on device. Research showed that this would be the most impactful demo.

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Secondly, we created a system of 4x4” cards that could work within the redesigned on-shelf signage system. For fixtures lacking space for an extra card, we designed a “topper” that could slide behind the existing product card for easy installation and budget-friendly refreshing.

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